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 Prof Praneet Valodia

Prof Praneet Valodia is the director of Praneet Valodia Consulting. He has over 30 years of experience in managed healthcare, public health, pharmaceutical policy and training, and a strong track record in technology development and innovation. After working in academia for 16 years he joined the corporate sector on a full-time basis since 2002. After working for Metropolitan Health, Medscheme and the Independent Clinical Oncology Network (ICON) he started his own consultancy business in healthcare.  


Praneet Valodia Consulting has offered services to 43 companies during the past 10 years in the fields of pharmaco- and health economics, clinical trial evaluation, medicine management, disease management, developing market access solutions for medicines, innovation in healthcare, health outcomes research, advisory to managed healthcare and medical schemes, health and medicine policy for government, data analytics, harm reduction programmes, research advisory and healthcare advocacy.

Our Expertise
Conference Presentations & Publications
Only presentations of general interest are listed below.
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Improving access to medicines in South Africa - BHF 2016

Practical considerations - Pharmacoeconomic guidelines - International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 2016. 

Application of pharmacoeconomics for psychiatrists in clinical practice - 2018.

Innovation in funding models for biologicals - A patient-centred approach - BHF 2013.

Suggestions for improvements in the Private Health Care industry in SA - BHF 2015.

The determination of fair and reasonable medicine prices for all - BHF 2011.

Measuring the value of managed health care - Council of Medical Scheme Indaba 2013.

The Health Technology Assessment journey in South Africa - lessons for countries in transition to universal coverage - Future Trends Forum 2016. 

Interrelationships between cost, patient access and ethics for medicines - Association of Healthcare Funders of Zimbabwe 2015

Risk sharing agreements in resource constraint environments - provider perspective ISPOR 2014

HTA: In pursuit of a single platform -  ISPOR 2014

Innovative access solutions - Healthcare Funder Symposium 2014. 

Health economic submissions - Regulation and Market Access 101 -  PCTMA 2017

High cost medicines: innovative ways in gaining access for all -  PCTMA 2014

Improving access and dialog in understanding barriers to high cost oncology medicines - PCTMA 2015


Design of an automated digital system to measure asthma control. South African Health Journal. 2020 

Development of a method to determine the cost of breast cancer treatment with chemotherapy at Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa  - 2020

Factors influencing the population pharmacokinetic parameters of phenytoin using nonlinear mixed-effects modelling in adult epileptic patients in South Africa - Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 1999 

Validation of the Population pharmacokinetics of phenytoin using the parallel Michaelis-Menten and first-order elimination model -  Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 2000

Optimization of phenytoin therapy in adults with epilepsy in the Western Cape, South Africa - Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 1999

Benefits of a clinical pharmacokinetic service in optimizing phenytoin use in the Western Cape -. South African Medical Journal 1998

Measuring the value of managed healthcare. Council for Medical Schemes News 2013 page 6

The effect of fenfluramine on the pulmonary disposition of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the isolated perfused rat lung: a comparison with chlorphentermne - Journal of pharmacy and Pharmacology 2000

Selected pulmonary effects induced by fenfluramine in the rat - a comparison with chlorphentermine. Med Sci Res 1998

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Harm reduction : measuring its value - IPAF 2018

Opportunities for pharmacists in delivering value in healthcare - PSSA 2018


Experience in offering a clinical pharmacokinetic service for epilepsy management and the measurement of health outcomes - 2013

Medicine Pricing: current status and future - Medical Advisors' Group 2005. 

Health outcomes measurement, pharmacoeconomic evaluation and optimization of drug treatment – how do these relate to generic medicines? Generic Medicines Congress 2009. 

Aligning ICON with the NHI.  ICON conference 2012. 

Innovation in managed healthcare to align with the NHI. 10th Managed Care Symposium, Protea Hotel OR Tambo, 23 May 2019

Total cost-of-care models. Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics opportunities for German - African Cooperation. 30-31 October 2021.

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